The words WordPress as Delivery Boxes superimposed over a photo of a box being handed from one person to another.

WordPress, FedEx, and UPS.

Think of WordPress as a package delivered to your doorstep by the FedEx gal. Think of your WordPress theme as a supplemental package delivered by UPS. Think of your 20 different WordPress plugins as an stack of smaller packages delivered by UPS, FedEx, the US Postal service, a local courier service, and one or two…

White text that says You Need A Web Plan over an inage of a pencil on top of paper

Why You Need a Web Plan

I’m a web guy, and my site got hacked. There’s almost no explaining the sinking feeling when you log into your web site and find it hacked. But because I had a backup plan, getting my site back online and free of malware was simple and painless. It turned what would have been days of…

test that reads 'stop calling it easy" over an image of water

Tech folks: Stop calling things Easy.

When you call something “simple,” “easy,” or “self-explanatory” in product documentation, you’re insulting your reader. You should stop doing that. Let’s put it in another context to illustrate my point. Scene: local auto repair shop. Your mechanic emerges from under the hood holding a small piece of rubber between grease-marked pointer finger and thumb. “Here’s…